Selasa, 02 Oktober 2012


Class  :  VIII B

            Karangsambung is situated about 21 km on the northern of Kebumen city, Central Java.
        Karangsambung is easy  to reach, but a minibus makes the journey from Kebumen city to Karangsambung take only around two hours.
        Overthere, there is a science research center called LIPI. Many Indonesian geologist have been visiting Karangsambung.They have to study more about rock in Karangsambung,because Karangsambung is a place where various rock/stone appear from the Earth’s stomach. Like fillit stone, nummulites coral, and schismica stone. The stones above formed because the presence of collision between Indies ocean’s slab and Asia continent’s slab at millions years ago.
        The scenery overthere is very beautiful. It hills still green and the air also fresh. There are many chasm on the right and left side of the road.
        Around Karangsambung, there is a river called Luk Ulo. It is rather wide and deep. But,on the downstream, the river is small and shallow.
        However, in spite of its difficult field,the beauty of Karangsambung’s natures , for some visitors are worth of their extra efforts and energies to reach.

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